Sound Meter HQ

by Smart Tools co.


not available

Application "Sound Meter HQ" calculates sound level (noise level) of surroundings with the help of built-in microphone. Result of the measurements are displayed in decibels on the screen of you phone.IMPORTANT:This tool is not a professional device to measure decibels. It uses built-in microphone, which was created to capture human's voice. Such a microphone isn't able to capture sounds above ~ 90-100 dB.Maximum value differs depending on kind of microphone you have. Additionally some devices are equipped with AGC (Automatic Gain Control). This system can additionally disturb correct sound pressure level measurement.
Calculated value of noise level is displayed with the help of indicator on the gauge. Range of measurements from environment is between 0-140 dB. Besides current measurement the application displays also minimum and maximum level of the sound.You can clear minimum and maximum measurements any time by using "Reset" button. Additionally the application displays noise power in descriptive way. Available descriptive sound thresholds:10 dB - Breathing20 dB - Rustling leaves30 dB – Whisper40 dB – Quiet library50 dB – Moderate rainfall60 dB – Normal conversation70 dB – Vacuum cleaner80 dB – Food blender90 dB – Power tools100 dB – Motorcycle110 dB – Rock concert120 dB – Chain saw130 dB – Jet takeoff (100 m. away)140 dB – Shotgun
Program calibration:If you have an access to professional sound pressure level (SPL) measurements device you can use it for calibrating the application. Check current dB reading on scientific measurement device and with the help of calibration menu (calibration icon under MAX value) set the same value using +,- buttons.
Features of application:- dB level presented on the gauge and in the descriptive way- quick reaction on sound level change- possibility of calibration the result according to professional device.- minimum and maximum measurements levels.